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Welcome to my new little haven. A place for me to overshare my musings, awkward experiences, fashion lustings and generally anything that has me up at 1am. Expect no order or particular theme/regularity as I'm quite a chaotic person, I sometimes jump to conclusions and like to be spontaneous. This blog has cultivated from a post-uni headspace, I don't really know what's going on in my life right now but I thought it would be fun to document it. Now would probably be a good time to introduce myself just a little bit... I'm 23-year-old Sophia (Sophie, if you're used to calling me that). Obviously, I'm an avid lover of all things fashion, hence the blog name. I graduated from UCLan July of this year in Fashion Promotion. It featured so so many highs and lows but overall changed me massively and I will always recommend uni to people but I know it's not for everyone. I'm half Kuwaiti, half English and grateful to be mixed race, I've spent a good half o

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